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you\'re only human (second wind)
you're only human (second wind)  detail>>
you\'re only young once
la famille hardy en vacances  detail>>
you\'re the only one (album)
you're the only one  detail>>
only the wind
nur der wind  detail>>
why\'d you only call me when you\'re high?
why'd you only call me when you're high?  detail>>
second wind
 n.  second souffle, énergie ou vigueur ravivée après une période d'effort physique ou men...  detail>>
the second wind
le deuxième souffle (film, 2007)  detail>>
only you
only you  detail>>
you only tell me you love me when you\'re drunk
you only tell me you love me when you're drunk  detail>>
only you (and you alone)
only you (and you alone)  detail>>
only the wind knows the answer
seul le vent connaît la réponse  detail>>
only human (2004 film)
tellement proches !  detail>>
are you human?
are you human?  detail>>
second wind (1978 film)
un second souffle  detail>>
i like only you
je n'aime que toi (film, 1949)  detail>>
i love you only
amo te sola  detail>>
i only want to be with you
i only want to be with you  detail>>
i only wanted you
i only wanted you  detail>>